Latest Episodes
The Herpetile Podcast is hosted by Nash, a 10 year old budding herpetologist.
RT @AVRU_UniMelb: You may have heard the terms “haemotoxic”, “neurotoxic”, and “cytotoxic” being used to describe snake venoms – but… https://t.co/AywfpmWfoJ
RT @ChelseaHerps: Ahhhhh!!!! Nash was a great host and he had a lot of good questions. This was so much fun to do!! https://t.co/E1yWGZTRzi
I recorded a new episode today with @ChelseaHerps - The Anole Queen! I hope you like it: https://t.co/J8onElC3xv… https://t.co/GgcY6O1c75
RT @PhilippaBiddle: Badass kids need our support, and one of those kids is Nash. Nash hosts @HerpetileThe, a podcast all about snakes.… https://t.co/sumZGF3wp1
RT @PhilippaBiddle: Kids and families in @RootsandShoots would love @HerpetileThe podcast all about fostering greater understand of and… https://t.co/ISSfZB5yP9
RT @JesseChambers_: Check out this brilliant podcast about herpetology by ten-year-old Nash 🦎🐍🐢 He's a great communicator and a natural… https://t.co/f5Xp5ZBFOC
🐍 I recorded a new #podcast ep with Melissa Amarello from Advocates for Snake Preservation @SnakeAdvocate ! Listen:… https://t.co/egUbrjREsm
If you listened to any of my podcasts do you think you could please give me a review? https://t.co/0MkIpFRyC4… https://t.co/5YORB53tBl
RT @Prof_TurtleAU: What a legend... Get behind Nash https://t.co/dQzXMA6ops
I have a new #website with all my #podcasts on it. You can also suggest guests there too! https://t.co/Qweye3Zhmr… https://t.co/2WJhtgz408